This briefing is the sixth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), where BLOMSTEIN addresses the key aspects that (in)directly affect businesses both within and outside the EU, explores its interplay with the existing legislation in Germany (LkSG) and examines interactions with other recently adopted EU legislation (e.g., EUDR, CSRD) which partially set overlapping obligations.
weiter lesenDie Außenwirtschaftsverordnung (AWV) beinhaltet neben Bestimmungen zur Investitionskontrolle und Meldevorschriften im Kapital- und Zahlungsverkehr insbesondere Regeln für die Ausfuhr von Waffen, Rüstungsgütern und Gütern, die sowohl zivil als auch militärisch nutzbar sind (sog. Dual-Use-Güter). Diese nationalen Ausfuhrbestimmungen wird das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) mit der am 17. Juli 2024 vom Bundeskabinett angenommenen 21. Verordnung zur Änderung der AWV anpassen und insbesondere die nationale Listung von Dual-Use-Gütern erweitern. Im Folgenden geben wir einen kurzen Überblick über die geplanten Änderungen und ordnen diese für Sie ein.
weiter lesenWie bereits bei den vorherigen Series-A 2021 und Series-B 2023 Finanzierungsrunden unterstützt BLOMSTEIN das DeepTech-Unternehmen Helsing auch in der EUR 450 Mio. starken Series-C-Finanzierungsrunde. BLOMSTEIN berät zu den investitionskontrollrechtlichen Fragestellungen.
weiter lesenTake a seat and grab some popcorn. The DMA series, starring the six gatekeepers Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft and Byte Dance continues. The European Commission has been an active director who has not been exclusively happy with the performance of its main actors. Have business users or end users acted as supporting actors so far or have they only been extras? Here is what happened since the DMA entered into force through the lens of a camera team.
weiter lesenThe 14th package of EU sanctions against Russia, aimed at further increasing economic pressure and tackling sanctions circumvention in response to Russia's continued aggression towards Ukraine, entered into force on 24 June 2024. The new amendments to Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 can be found in Regulation (EU) 2024/1745. In this briefing, we outline the most significant changes.
weiter lesenThis briefing is the fifth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), where BLOMSTEIN addresses the key aspects that (in)directly affect businesses both within and outside the EU, explores its interplay with the existing legislation in Germany (LkSG) and examines interactions with other recently adopted EU legislation (e.g., EUDR and CSRD) which partially set overlapping obligations.
In today’s briefing we explore the main points of convergence and differences between the CSDDD and the upcoming Forced Labour Regulation. We will particularly focus on how these acts complement each other in the pursuit of ensuring corporate responsibility to eradicate forced labour within their value chains.
weiter lesenThe European Commission has consented to a German scheme worth around EUR 3 billion designed to foster the development of the Hydrogen Core Network (HCN). This will play a significant role in realizing the goals of the EU Hydrogen Strategy and the ‘Fit for 55’ package by facilitating the establishment of a hydrogen transmission infrastructure. It is a milestone for promoting the utilization of renewable hydrogen in sectors with high energy consumption like industry and transport.
weiter lesenDie EU ist in hohem Maße von der Einfuhr kritischer Rohstoffe aus Drittländern abhängig. Mit dem Fortschreiten der digitalen Wirtschaft und der wachsenden Bedeutung von Umweltbelangen führen Abhängigkeit zu einer Verwundbarkeit der Lieferketten und machen deshalb bessere und effizientere Regulierung notwendig.
Seit unserem letzten Briefing hierzu hier, können wir nun konkrete Termine und Daten mitteilen. Die Verordnung über kritische Rohstoffe (CRMA) ist am 23. Mai 2024 in Kraft getreten und schafft einen Rahmen zur Gewährleistung einer sicheren und nachhaltigen Versorgung der EU-Industrie mit kritischen Rohstoffen.
weiter lesenMehr Pflichtangaben und strengere Fristen
weiter lesenThis briefing is the fourth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), where BLOMSTEIN addresses the key aspects that (in)directly affect businesses both within and outside the EU, explores its interplay with the existing legislation in Germany (LkSG) and examines interactions with other recently adopted EU legislation (e.g., EUDR and CSRD) which partially set overlapping obligations.
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to reconcile them.
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