Without doubt, the Energy sector is facing significant transformation challenges to meet the Paris Agreement goals and COP27 commitments. The Green Deal and the challenges of decarbonization are pushing the energy sector to the centre stage of Europe’s economic and political arena. This particularly applies to Germany, given the strong commitment of the new government coalition to climate protection and the plans for exiting coal and increasing the share of renewables in the country’s mix to 80% by 2030.The massive increase in the demand for renewable energies and the impact on the power grid and energy security; the phasing out of coal; the aim to reduce dependency on natural gas and oil; the welcoming of green hydrogen (GH2) and its by-products such as green ammonia and synthetic fuels – all these developments are not only heavily dependent on public and private investments but also rely on complex regulatory and contractual interdisciplinary structures.
BLOMSTEIN supports clients in mastering these challenges. We advise on all sector-specific issues in the areas of antitrust, public procurement, international trade and state aid law. This includes structuring technology research cooperation projects in accordance with antitrust law, public procurement law issues in power purchase agreements, the participation in buying and selling auctions sponsored by H2Global Foundation, navigating the new Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Environmental Protection and Energy (CEEAG), foreign trade issues in energy related commercial cooperations, regulatory aspects of GH2 production and transportation, and all general merger and foreign investment control aspects in the Energy sector.
Advising FASTNED on public procurement law aspects with regard to the establishment and operation of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Germany
Advising and representing RWE in energy and electricity tax law matters
Advising as part of the Monitoring Trustee team in the European Commission‘s abuse proceedings against Gazprom (AT.39816 – Upstream Gas Supply in Central and Eastern Europe
Advising as part of the Monitoring Trustee team in the European Commission’s merger control proceedings M.8870 – Acquisition of Innogy by E.ON
Advising and representing Vattenfall in energy and electricity tax law matters
Advising Amprion on public procurement law issues in an award procedure regarding certain power plants (so-called “besondere netztechnische Betriebsmittel”)
Representing Shell in an energy tax dispute (currently at ECJ)
Advising Stiftung Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima in a public procurement procedure
Extremely pleasant team that has represented us very successfully for a long time, even in complex energy and alcohol tax law issues. We are always impressed by the expertise and greatly appreciate the solution-oriented approach.