As announced last week, BLOMSTEIN is publishing a series of briefings introducing into European and German legal defence matters. In preparation for the new year, our defence team got together and identified the topics that we believe will be relevant for companies in the security and defence industry in the EU and Germany in international trade law, ESG, antitrust law and public procurement law:
read moreDas neue Jahr hat einige Neuerungen im Energie- und Stromsteuerrecht gebracht. Das besonders stromintensive produzierende Gewerbe kann angesichts der gestiegenen Strompreise nun von einer deutlichen Steuerentlastung (in Form einer erhöhten Entlastung) profitieren. Im Gegenzug wurde der Spitzenausgleich im Energie- und Stromsteuerrecht abgeschafft, der aber ohnehin nur große Industriekonzerne begünstigte. Die neu eingeführte Stromsteuerentlastung betrifft dagegen gerade auch den Mittelstand. Außerdem sind die Steuerentlastungen für die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung und die Steuerbegünstigungen für Strom aus bestimmten Biomassen sowie aus Klär- und Deponiegas weggefallen. Schließlich wurde die Meldeschwelle für Unternehmen, die Beihilfen in Form von Vergünstigungen bei der Energie- und Stromsteuer erhalten, gesenkt. Diese Neuerungen werden im Folgenden erläutert.
read moreSeit dem 1. Januar 2023 ist das deutsche Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) in Kraft. Bisher betraf es inländische Unternehmen mit mindestens 3.000 Mitarbeitenden. Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 erweitert sich der Anwendungsbereich auf Unternehmen mit mehr als 1.000 Beschäftigten. Der Kreis betroffener Unternehmen wird damit erheblich größer. Für neu betroffene Unternehmen haben wir die zentralen Pflichten des LkSG im Überblick zusammengenfasst, die unmittelbar seit Anfang Januar 2024 gelten. Außerdem geben wir einen Ausblick auf die neusten Entwicklungen zu dem geplanten EU-Lieferkettengesetz.
read moreThe German Federal Government and the European Union have recently announced further steps to promote the expansion of the European and global green hydrogen economy. To this end, they will provide financial support totaling to over one billion euro in two separate funds: the Innovation Fund by the European Union (EUR 800 million) and the PtX Development Fund financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (EUR 270 million). Both sources of funding are now open for participation, with deadlines for application expiring on 1 March 2024 (PtX Development Fund) and 8 February 2024 (Innovation Fund Auction).
read moreThe EU introduced the Regulation establishing an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Under the CBAM, importers into the EU of carbon-intensive goods (mainly cement, electricity, fertilizers, iron and steel, aluminum, and hydrogen) will be required to pay a charge for the carbon emissions embedded in those products. This charge will be gradually phased in from 2026 to 2034.
read moreEU importers should be aware that CBAM legislation may have a significant impact on their operations, supply chain, and logistics. They need to quantify their carbon footprint and prepare for the financial obligations and administrative measures required by CBAM. The first CBAM report about the embedded greenhouse gas emissions is due by 31 January 2024. Here is an update of what EU importers will have to do, what help is available, and if fines are due when the report is not submitted in time.
read moreBLOMSTEIN represents Fastned in review proceedings concerning the award of contracts for the construction, maintenance and operation of fast charging stations at serviced rest stops on the German federal highways. The contract had been awarded to companies of the Tank & Rast Group by the Autobahn GmbH of the German Government without conducting a competitive public procurement procedure.
read moreSustainability and competition law has been one of the hottest topics among competition authorities and regulators in recent years. The German Federal Cartel Office (FCO) has always stressed that it is open to give informal guidance on sustainability initiatives. Yesterday, it has proven that it takes this approach seriously and does not stand in the way of sustainability initiatives. It has published a press release that it currently sees no reason for a more detailed examination of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa “Forum Nachhaltiger Kakao e.V.” (Kakaoforum). According to the FCO, there have been no indications that the initiative would incur a clear risk of a restraint of competition. The Kakaoforum is a joint initiative made up of representatives of the public sector, companies in the cocoa and chocolate industry, a large part of the German food retail trade and international NGOs.
read moreIt has long been recognised that financial support in favour of football clubs can distort fair competition. A widespread concern is that investors behind the big European clubs like Manchester City, Paris Saint Germain, or Chelsea FC reign over professional football with their money at will. In light of this, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) established the Financial Fair Play (FFP) rules. With the Foreign Subsidies Regulation, which entered into force in January 2023, there may be another instrument to address financial advantages to football clubs perceived as unfair if the investment is attributable to a government outside the EU.
read moreOn 1 June 2023, the European Commission finally adopted its revised Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations on Research and Development (R&D) and Specialisation agreements, which are accompanied by the revised Horizontal Guidelines (2023 Horizontal Guidelines).
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