The article “Hour of the Greyhounds“ published by German business journal WirtschaftsWoche (WiWo) describes the antitrust phenomenon of the so-called “Greyhound Racing” – antitrust lawyers racing against time.
read moreWe are very pleased that our competition partners Anna Huttenlauch and Max Klasse are once again recognized as leading experts in their field in the 2019 edition of Who’s Who Legal Competition ranking.
read moreBLOMSTEIN recently advised PIA Performance Interactive Alliance für digitales Marketing GmbH („PIA“) on antitrust aspects in connection with the acquisition of tab GmbH („TAB“). Corporate advice, including the structuring of the transaction and the overall coordination of the project was handled by lead advisors LAWENTUS.
read moreAnna Huttenlauch and Max Klasse have been recognised once again in the 2018 edition of Who’s Who Legal: Competition – the list of the world’s leading antitrust and competition law as well as State aid law experts.
Moreover, for the first time Anna is featured in the Who’s Who Legal: Germany 2019 list of leading antitrust and competition lawyers in Germany.
read moreAnna Huttenlauch and Max Klasse are listed amongst the world’s leading competition lawyers and economists in the 2018 edition of the prestigious Who’s Who Legal: Competition guide.
read moreThe new work State Aid and the Energy Sector edited by Leigh Hancher, Adrien de Hauteclocque and Francesco Maria Salerno has been published by Hart Publishing and is now available for purchase.
BLOMSTEIN partner Max Klasse has co-authored the chapter on “Aid to Nuclear and Coal” with Professor Leigh Hancher (Tilburg University), which focuses on energy aid with a distinguished historical pedigree: aid to nuclear and coal. The chapter also provides insights into the relation between the EU State aid rules and the Euratom Treaty, which governs most aspects of the nuclear sector.
read moreCan suppliers prohibit their authorised distributors from selling luxury products on third-party platforms such as Amazon or eBay? In its judgement of 6 December 2017 (Case C-230/16 – Coty), the European Court of Justice (ECJ) finally had the chance to shed some light on this highly-debated issue. Both suppliers and distributors have waited with great anticipation for a clarification from Luxembourg. The ECJ now took a supplier-friendly stance and confirmed that platform bans for luxury goods are not per se anticompetitive.
read moreIn light of the recent media reports on possible cartel allegations against German car manufacturers, our partner Anna Blume Huttenlauch was interviewed by Deutsche Welle on the fine line between legal cooperations among competitors and illegal collusion as well as potential fines and other liability risks for companies involved in cartels.
Link to the interview in English
Link to the entire program in English
What can be inferred for the Facebook investigation from the report on competition and data co-published by the Bundeskartellamt?
The investigation of the German Federal Cartel Office (FCO) against Facebook because of suspicions that Facebook may have abused a possibly dominant position has prompted a considerable echo, not only among antitrust lawyers. The FCO is currently investigating (i) whether Facebook may have a dominant position in the market for social networks and (ii) whether it may have abused such position with its specific terms of service on the use of user data.
read moreOver the last two weeks a number of important events for the antitrust community took place. Competition officials from across Europe shared some interesting insights and outlooks on 2017 which we would like to pass on to you in order to alert you to some developments to expect.
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