In the past, investment control law has been continuously tightened (see the Amendments to the Foreign Trade an Payments Act (AWG-Novelle) as well as the 15th and 16th Amendment Ordinance of the AWV. The draft of the 17th Amendment Ordinance to the AWV has been eagerly awaited, as publication has been repeatedly postponed due to the intensive and lengthy process of interdepartmental coordination.
read moreToday is one of the rare days where the city of Berlin is covered with a very light white layer of snow; the long expected new competition law chose this day to enter the stage and silently enter into force. We summarize the main changes, which may well make some noise in the months to come.
read moreFour years after the Brexit referendum, the EU and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which follows the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. BLOMSTEIN presents the key contents of the new trade agreement in a briefing series. In Part 1, we have looked at the implementation and substantial changes in the EU-UK relationship. Part 2 focused on the trade in goods. Part 3 looked at a variety of areas from services and investments to digital commerce, energy and the level playing field. Part 4 analyzed the areas of transport and aviation, fishing, social security cooperation, freedom of movement and other cooperations. Part 5 concerned the governance structures, dispute settlement mechanism and enforcement of the agreement within the framework of national jurisdiction and the ECJ. Part 6 now draws a short conclusion.
read moreFour years after the Brexit referendum, the EU and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which follows the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. BLOMSTEIN presents the key contents of the new trade agreement in a briefing series. In Part 1, we have looked at the implementation and substantial changes in the EU-UK relationship. Part 2 focused on the trade in goods. Part 3 looked at a variety of areas from services and investments to digital commerce, energy and the level playing field. Part 4 analyzed the areas of transport and aviation, fishing, social security cooperation, freedom of movement and other cooperations. Part 5 concerns the governance structures, dispute settlement mechanism and enforcement of the agreement within the framework of national jurisdiction and the ECJ.
read moreFour years after the Brexit referendum, the EU and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which follows the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. BLOMSTEIN presents the key contents of the new trade agreement in a briefing series. In Part 1, we have looked at the implementation and substantial changes in the EU-UK relationship. Part 2 focused on the trade in goods. Part 3 looked at a variety of areas from services and investments to digital commerce, energy and the level playing field. In Part 4, we analyze the areas of transport and aviation, fishing, social security cooperation, freedom of movement and other cooperations.
read moreFour years after the Brexit referendum, the EU and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which follows the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. BLOMSTEIN presents the key contents of the new trade agreement in a briefing series. In Part 1, we have looked at the implementation and substantial changes in the EU-UK relationship. Part 2 focused on the trade in goods. Part 3 looks at a variety of areas from services and investments to digital commerce, energy and the level playing field.
read moreFour years after the Brexit referendum, the EU and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which follows the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. BLOMSTEIN presents the key contents of the new trade agreement in a briefing series. In Part 1, we have looked at the implementation and substantial changes in the EU-UK relationship. Part 2 focuses on the trade in goods.
read moreFour years after the Brexit referendum, the EU and the United Kingdom have reached agreement on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which follows the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. BLOMSTEIN presents the key contents of the new trade agreement in a briefing series. In Part 1, we look at how and in what timeframe the TCA came about, as well as the main substantial changes in the EU’s relationship with the UK.
read moreMore than four years after British citizens voted to leave the European Union in the Brexit referendum, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier was able to announce: “We have delivered an orderly Brexit” and “The clock is no longer ticking”. It took until Christmas Eve – a week before the end of the transition period – to reach an agreement and avoid the feared “no deal” Brexit. According to Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom would now be “both sovereign and European”.
read moreHow are OLAF reports implemented in the Member States and what is their impact on the customs decisions of Member States? The following briefing shows that despite the lack of binding effect, OLAF reports often have a significant impact on subsequent measures at a national level. In particular, these reports have a considerable influence over the protection of confidentiality under customs law.
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