With the 15th amendment of the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance (AWV), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy will soon extend its control over acquisitions of German companies by EU foreign companies. The amendment is perceived as the Federal Government’s direct reaction to the COVID-19 crisis, due to its concern in large part to protect the healthcare sector. The case of the Tübingen-based company CureVac, involving a US purchaser and raising the question of the right of prohibition, may have also contributed to this development. The 16th amendment to the AWV is expected to comprehensively expand and adapt investment control in foreign trade law. It is aimed at uniformly implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/452 (*_EU Screening Regulation*_), which came into force in April 2019, and the amendment to the Foreign Trade and Payments Act (AWG) adopted already by the Cabinet on 8th April 2020. Since the latter remains under discussion in the committees of the Bundestag, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has brought forward what it considers to be particularly urgent adjustments.
read moreSince the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection presented a new draft of the corporate sanctions law (“Gesetz zur Stärkung der Integrität in der Wirtschaft”) on 22 April 2020, debate has flared up again about how to deal with legal violations within companies. In the past, associations and experts urged that the main objectives of the new law must be to promote compliance measures and transparency around violations within companies internally.
read moreThe German government has been pushing for stricter national rules on foreign direct investment control. This is against the background of the “Industrial Strategy 2030” presented by Mr Altmaier, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, in November 2019. In parallel, the EU FDI Screening Regulation 2019/452 came into force in April last year. For the first time, it sets binding requirements with respect to investment control for member States. In light of these developments, in January, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) presented a draft bill for legislation amending the Foreign Trade and Payments Act (FTPA). The German Cabinet adopted this draft in its meeting on 8 April 2020. It will now proceed to the German parliament.
read moreThe Covid-19 pandemic is causing far-reaching changes in every area of life and business. Almost all companies and industries are affected and the legal situation changes almost daily in some areas. The European Competition Network (ECN) emphasized in a recent joint statement that the current competition rules are flexible enough to adapt to changing economic situations and need no substantial modification. This briefing provides an overview on how the Corona crisis affects competition law – and what remains unchanged – and where to find further information (see the links throughout the document). BLOMSTEIN will closely monitor and inform about further developments. If you have any questions, Anna Huttenlauch and Max Klasse will be happy to assist you at any time.
BLOMSTEIN Corona and Competition Law (31.03.2020)
read more27 March 2020
The current Covid 19 pandemic has long since developed into an economic crisis, the full impact of which cannot yet be predicted. The crisis also affects those companies that are active in so-called systemically important areas and whose commitment is particularly important for the protection of public health. In the opinion of the EU Commission, it is therefore particularly important to prevent a “sell-out” of companies and technologies that are critical and key to the health sector.
The outbreak of the coronavirus in Germany has a direct impact on the operational export control of companies. While some export control departments are no longer able to work at full capacity and also the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle – BAFA) had to significantly reduce its services, such as its telephone hotlines, the risk of procurement efforts by unintended recipients of goods and technology is increasing.
read moreOn 13 February 2020 the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of International Law (SIL) Anti-Corruption Committee and the ABA Public Contract Law Section (PCLS) Suspension and Debarment Committee offer a dial-in conference call. The committees come together for an informal lunchtime session to discuss recent developments in international debarment.
read moreOn 29 November 2019, the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier presented the final version of his “Industrial Strategy 2030”. In the strategy, the Ministry announces a practically relevant amendment to the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance (FTPO). At the press conference on the strategy, Mr Altmaier indicated that manufacturers of “critical technologies” may also be included in the list of particularly security-relevant companies. The background to this development is the concern about the sale of high technology to China and other countries classified as critical.
read moreRoland M. Stein, Pascal Friton and Hans-Joachim Prieß have been recognised as leading experts in public procurement law in the Who’s Who Legal: Government Contracts edition once again. Furthermore, Roland M. Stein and Pascal Friton are listed as Global Elite Thought Leaders. They are hereby the only German lawyers featured in this list.
read moreOn 28 March 2019, the European Court of Justice annulled the Commission’s decision that the German law on renewable energy (EEG 2012) involved State aid.
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