Elisa Theresa Hauch advises clients on all aspects of German and European competition law.
Drawing from her extensive experience as a competition lawyer in private practice and in-house, she represents clients in legal proceedings before the Bundeskartellamt and the European Commission as well as in front of German and European courts.
While she has advised clients from many different industries, including the chemical, pharmaceutical, and automotive sectors, she has gained particular experience concerning the technology sector and digital platforms.
Elisa is admitted to the Bar in Germany. She is a member of the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht. She is an active member of WomenAT Brussels and founder of the Mingling Circle, a networking event series for young female competition lawyers in Brussels.
Advised clients on risk and compliance under Section 19a of the German Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB) and the provisions of the Digital Markest Act
Represented and advised clients in phase I and II merger control proceedings (including commitments) before the European Commission, the German Federal Cartel Office and other national competition authorities in the field of inter alia automotive, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, software, banking and insurance services
Advised clients on merger control and antitrust law in connection with complex shareholding structures (serial minority shareholdings, cross shareholdings, cross directorships, activist shareholdings)
Advised client in the context of a market study before a national competition authority
Elisa studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn, the University of Lausanne, and the Humboldt University of Berlin. She holds a doctor of law degree, awarded by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn for a thesis on International Framework Agreements.
After her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin, she worked as an associate in the competition law practices of the US law firms Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati and Sullivan & Cromwell in Brussels. During her time at Sullivan & Cromwell, she was seconded to Delivery Hero SE in Berlin, where she supported the global delivery platform’s in-house competition law team.
Immediately before Elisa joined BLOMSTEIN, she worked as a Corporate Counsel at Amazon Music in Berlin. She advised Amazon‘s music streaming business on a broad range of legal and regulatory matters with a special focus on competition law.