As Special Counsel at BLOMSTEIN, Bruno Galvão takes an advisory role in public procurement and compliance matters, especially regarding self-cleaning procedures, monitoring and reviewing compliance mechanisms as well as debarment procedures of Multilateral Development Banks such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Bruno also advises in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) regulatory matters, such as the European CBAM rules, the German legislation on supply chain and certain European financial regulations (SFDR, EU Taxonomy), especially with regard to international trade matters with Latin America.
Bruno is a Brazilian and Portuguese qualified lawyer, and a member of the German Bar Association. Additionally, he is an experienced business development manager. With his background and his keen understanding of the Brazilian market, he adds helpful perspectives in cross-border matters and thereby strengthens and expands BLOMSTEIN’s Brazil Desk.
Languages: Portuguese, English
Advising Brazilian cattle and beef sector representative, Instituto Mato-Grossense da Carne, on EU’s ESG regulatory framework, including German Supply Chain Act, Draft EU Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence, and Draft EU Regulation on deforestation-free products
Advising German defence AI company Helsing regarding German foreign direct investment aspects on its Series A financing round
Advising and representing multinational pharmaceutical company Teva on German foreign direct investment aspects of its licensing collaboration with MODAG
Before joining BLOMSTEIN in September 2020, Bruno worked as senior lawyer at renown law firms in Brazil, such as Teixeira Ferreira e Serrano Advogados and Mattos Filho Advogados. He has a vast experience in complex, cross-border matters concerning compliance, public procurement and public concessions procedures.
After moving to Germany in November 2014, Bruno worked at several international law firms in Berlin. At Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, he was Senior Business Development Manager for matters related to Latin America, and, as part of the Brazil Desk of another big firm, Bruno supported the corporate and venture capital practice in international transactions.
Germany chapter, in: Lexology Panoramic: Business & Human Rights, 2024 (with Florian Wolf, Tobias Ackermann and Sarah Beischau)
Nova diretiva europeia ESG tem amplo alcance para empresas brasileiras (New European ESG directive has broad scope for Brazilian companies), JOTA, May 2024 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
Hidrogênio verde: a lei alemã para certificação de combustíveis não biológicos (Green hydrogen: the German law for the certification of non-biological fuels), JOTA, April 2024 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
O novo regulamento europeu sobre subvenções estrangeiras (The new European regulation on foreign grants), JOTA, February 2024 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
Política europeia para fomento do hidrogênio verde ganha tração (European policy to promote green hydrogen gains traction), JOTA, December 2023 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
Mecanismo europeu de taxação aduaneira de carbono entra em fase de transição (European carbon border adjustment mechanism enters transition phase), JOTA, November 2023 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
A atualização da Estratégia Nacional do Hidrogênio Verde da Alemanha (The update of Germany's National Green Hydrogen Strategy), JOTA, October 2023 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
Co-author of a contribution to "Hidrogênio Verde: perspectivas jurídica, regulatória e técnica" (Green Hydrogen: legal, regulatory and technical aspects), September 2023 (with Humberto Negrão, Eduardo Evangelista and Victor Navarro)
O Regulamento Europeu sobre produtos livres de desmatamento (The European regulation on deforestation-free products), JOTA, July 2023 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
O mecanismo de taxação aduaneira de carbono (The carbon border adjustment mechanism), JOTA, June 2023 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
Parlamento Europeu aprova regulamento sobre produtos livres de desmatamento (European Parliament approves regulation on deforestation-free products), JOTA, April 2023 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
Encontro Econômico Brasil-Alemanha e os novos rumos da parceria industrial (German-Brazilian Economic Meeting and the new directions of industrial partnership), JOTA, March 2023 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
Visita do chanceler alemão ao Brasil impulsiona relações bilaterais (German Chancellor's visit to Brazil boosts bilateral relations), JOTA, February 2023 (with Ana Carolina Vidal)
O novo governo brasileiro e as consequências para as relações com a Europ (The new Brazilian government and the consequences for its relations with Europe), JOTA, 7 November 2022 (with Roland Stein)
Desafios e oportunidades do mercado de carbono europeu (Challenges and opportunities in the European carbon market), Valor Econômico, 7 November 2022 (with Christian Rosa)
ESG und internationaler Handel – Wie Umweltschutz und Menschenrechte in den Mittelpunkt der Handelsbeziehungen mit Europa gerückt werden, azur 2/2022, October 2022 (with Ramona Ader)
Governo alemão lança manual sobre a Lei de Cadeia de Fornecimento (German Government releases handbook on Supply Chain Law), JOTA, 26 September 2022 (with Roland Stein)
Como a regulação do CBAM na Europa pode afetar exportadores brasileiros (How CBAM regulation may affect Brazilian exporters), JOTA, 15 August 2022, (with Daniela Stump)
Indústria do hidrogênio verde começa a ganhar corpo (Green hydrogen industry begins to take shape), JOTA, 30 May 2022 (with Roland Stein)
Europa e a Rastreabilidade de Commodities Agrícolas (Europe and the Traceability of Agricultural Commodities), Agrolink, 14 April 2022, (with Luis Felipe Aguiar and Ana Laura Ramires)
Avança na UE proposta que regulamenta produtos livres de desmatamento (Proposal to regulate deforestation-free products advances in the EU), JOTA, 4 April 2022 (with Roland Stein)
Hidrogênio verde e oportunidades entre o Brasil e a Europa (Green Hydrogen and the opportunities between Brazil and Europe), epbr, 22 March 2022 (with Marcos Ludwig)
UE busca banir commodities e subprodutos de terras desmatadas (EU seeks to ban commodities and by-products from deforested land), JOTA, 11 December 2021 (with Roland Stein)
CBAM: a primeira taxação aduaneira de carbono do mundo (CBAM: the world's first carbon customs tax), JOTA, 26 July 2021 (with Roland Stein)
Alemanha discute nova Lei da Cadeia de Fornecimento (Germany discusses new Supply Chain Act), JOTA, 31 May 2021 (with Roland Stein)
ESG e o futuro do compliance (ESG and the future of compliance), JOTA, 10 May 2021 (with Roland Stein)
Formas de acordo e cooperação com investigações do BID (Possible cooperation and agreements in IDB’s investigations), JOTA Info, 15 January 2021 (with Roland Stein)
Debarment por condutas irregulares em projetos financiados pelo Banco Mundial (Debarment due to irregularities in World Bank’s financed projects), JOTA Info, 4 December 2020 (with Roland Stein)
Das brasilianische Vergaberecht, NZBau - Neue Zeitschrift für Bau- und Vergaberecht 10/2015, p. 603-609 (with Roland Stein)
Webinar on the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), PASANI Academy, 11 September 2024 (with Patrick Nieveler)
Transparência e compliance – O futuro da agenda ESG com as novas regulamentações (Transparency and compliance – The future of the ESG agenda with the new regulations), GTPESG, Lisbon, 19 June 2024
Um Diálogo sobre o agronegócio e a lei antidesmatamento da União Europeia (A Dialogue on agribusiness and the European Union’s anti-deforestation law), Pinheiro Neto Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil, 16 May 2024
Debate sobre as barreiras socioambientais da União Europeia e seus reflexos no Brasil (Debate on the European Union's Socio-environmental barriers and their implications in Brazil), Souto Correa Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil, May 2024
Panorama da Posição Europeia sobre Políticas Verdes: E o Consumidor? (Overview of the European Position on Green Policies: What About the Consumer?), Panel monteCCer, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 15 May 2024
Roadshow: Empresas brasileiras na Alemanha e o mercado H2V (Roadshow: Brazilian companies in Germany and the GH2 market), AHK Rio de Janeiro | AHK Brazil and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Deutschland, March 2024
Intervenção sobre o futuro da agropecuária no Brasil (Intervention on the future of agriculture and livestock in Brazil), Panel Fórum Planeta Campo 2023, São Paulo, Brazil, November 2023
Part of the panel “Hidrogênio Verde como acelerador da Transição Energética: tecnologias e projetos em desenvolvimento” (Green Hydrogen as an accelerator of the Energy Transition: technologies and projects under development), EVEx 2023 – Lisbon Energy Experience, Lisbon, 25 October 2023
H2Global / German structure of auctions for purchasing GH2, Conference “Investing in Green Hydrogen 2023”, London, 15 September 2023 (with Ramona Ader)
EUDR Regulamento Europeu e produção em áreas de floresta, Amazonas-Woche (hosted by the Embassy of Brazil in Berlin), Berlin, 12 September 2023
Supply chain obligations in the EU – what’s the effect on trade with Europe?, Lexology Masterclass, 27 June 2023 (with Anna Huttenaluch, Florian Wolf and Michaela Hebestreit, Helpdesk Business & Human Rights)
German Supply Chain Act, Seminar “Internationalization of Brazilian companies”, Embassy of Brazil in Berlin, February 2023
Key speaker at the European carbon market roundtable, EVEx Lisboa 2022 – conference on the energy transition in Europe and Brazil, Lisbon, 30 November 2022
Key speaker at the seminar “Sustainability Due Diligence obligations in the supply chain”, AHK São Paulo, 16 August 2022 (with Chico Mussnich, Márcio Pereira (BMA), Alice Kasnar and Rafael Benke (Proactiva))
Seminar on the European ESG regulation, World Trade Center Curitiba, 25 May 2022
Co-moderator of the webinar „Brazil and Germany: Green Hydrogen Potential“ hosted by BLOMSTEIN and Castro Barros Advogados, 22 October 2021 (with Paulo Dantas, Partner Castro Barros Advogados)
Regulação da União Europeia (Regulation of the European Union), Ep. 1 of Machado Meyer Advogados’ podcast series: Transição Energética (Energy Transition), 6 October 2021 (with Roland Stein)
A lei europeia de combate ao desmatamento é repleta de incertezas, mas veio para ficar (The European anti-deforestation regulation is full of uncertainties, but it is here to stay), AgroMais, June 2024
CVM prepara norma de divulgações financeiras relacionadas a eventos climáticos externos (CVM prepares regulation for financial disclosures related to extreme climate events), CNN Brasil, May 2024
União Europeia aprova mais uma lei ESG que impacta exportações brasileiras (European Union approves another ESG law that impacts Brazilian exports), CNN Brasil, April 2024
UE adia reporte ESG obrigatório de empresas estrangeiras e brasileiras ganham tempo (EU postpones mandatory ESG reporting for foreign companies, giving Brazilian firms more time), Reset, April 2024
UE aprova mais uma lei ESG que terá reflexos no Brasil (EU approves another ESG law that will have implications in Brazil), Reset, April 2024
Regras de sustentabilidade corporativa da Europa e seus impactos no Brasil (CSDDD) (European corporate sustainability rules and their impact on Brazil (CSDDD), Economia do Futuro, March 2024
Brasil e França vão arrecadar 1 bi de euros para projetos de bioeconomia na Amazônia (Brazil and France will raise 1 billion euros for bioeconomy projects in the Amazon), Planeta Campo, March 2024
Regulação antidesmatamento da Europa: a hora de se adaptar é agora (Europe’s anti-deforestation Regulation: the time to adapt is now), Economia do Futuro, February 2024
Países produtores criticam lei antidesmatamento da UE (Producer countries criticize EU anti-deforestation law), DW, September 2023