Pia Hesse specialises in German and European antitrust and competition law as well as in EU state aid and international trade law. She advises German and international clients in proceedings before the German and European courts, the European Commission and the Bundeskartellamt.
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French
Representing Vodafone before the courts in relation to a successful third-party intervention against a Bundeskartellamt decision clearing a joint venture between Deutsche Telekom and EWE subject to remedies
Antitrust law advice to and representation of EDEKA in several ongoing follow-on damages proceedings
Advising the Monitoring Trustee in various European Commission remedy cases (inter alia, case M.9564 – LSEG/Refinitiv)
Advising Qell Acquisition Corp. (SPAC) on EU state aid law and FDI aspects in relation to its multi-billion merger with Lilium
Advising leading Chinese locomotive manufacturer CRRC on the merger control aspects of its acquisition of Vossloh Locomotives (complex phase II proceedings before the Bundeskartellamt)
Antitrust law advice to a Scandinavian healthtech company regarding a competition complaint
Advising and representing DCM Film Distribution in proceedings against the European Commission before the European courts
Advising MAN Energy Solutions on antitrust and merger control aspects regarding the sale of its gas turbine business to Chinese CSIC Longjiang GH Gas Turbine Co Ltd (GHGT)
Pia studied law at the University of Cologne and the Université d‘Auvergne with a focus on Public International and European Law and obtained an LL.M. from the University of Glasgow. She completed her legal traineeship (“Referendariat”) at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin, during which she also worked for the Legal Service of the European Commission.
Extraterritorial Law Enforcement in Areas of Limited Statehood: The Transnational Dimension of The Rule of Law, in: Hamid/Wouters (eds.), Rule of Law and Areas of Limited Statehood: Domestic and International Dimensions, 2021, p. 184-205
UN Security Council Resolutions as a Legal Framework for Multinational Military Operations, in: Geiß/Krieger (eds.), The 'Legal Pluriverse' Surrounding Multinational Military Operations, 2020, p. 267-286
Comment: Neither Sunken Vessel nor Blooming Flower! The Lotus Principle and International Humanitarian Law, in: Baade/Mührel/Petrov (eds.), International Humanitarian Law in Areas of Limited Statehood, 2018, p. 80-85
Boost für Europas Sicherheit: EIB-Förderung für die Verteidigungsindustrie im Wandel, Gesprächskreis Verteidigung und Sicherheit des forum vergabe e.V. (defence and security division of forum vergabe) on “Die praktischen Auswirkungen der Zeitenwende” (Practical Implications of the “Zeitenwende”), Berlin, 13 November 2024
Gun-Jumping – Die fusionskontrollrechtliche und investitionskontrollrechtliche Perspektive im Vergleich, Regionalveranstaltung der Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, Berlin, 23 April 2024 (with Leonard von Rummel)