Moritz Schuchert specialises in public procurement and international trade law. He represents clients in legal proceedings before the German and European courts and before the procurement review bodies.
Languages: German, English, Spanish
Representing Recare Deutschland in review proceedings before the Higher Regional Court (OLG) of Karlsruhe regarding the exclusion from a public procurement procedure due to alleged violations of data protection law
Advising Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) on various public procurement procedures for ships for the German Navy
Representing C.G. Haenel regarding the procurement of 120,000 assault rifles for the German Armed Forces, in particular representing the client in a review procedure before the Federal Public Procurement Chamber and the Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf
Advising the Berlin Chamber of Architects (Architektenkammer Berlin) on the monitoring of public calls for tenders
Public procurement law advice to KfW Capital
Advising Stiftung Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima in a public procurement procedure
After completing his German compulsory social service in Canada, Moritz studied law at the Universities of Münster and Barranquilla with a focus on regulatory law. He completed his legal traineeship (“Referendariat”) at the Higher Regional Court of Hamm, during which he also worked for the 2nd Federal Public Procurement Tribunal at the German Federal Cartel Office as well as a procurement unit of the European Commission in Brussels. He wrote a PhD at the LMU Munich on the use and procurement of cloud services by public authorities.
Staatliche Beschaffung von KI-Systemen: Herausforderungen und Lösungen im Vergaberecht, MMR, 11/2024, p. 926 (with Ines Florinde Horn)
Cloud-Vergaberecht – Die Nutzung, Beschaffung und Vergabe von Cloud-Leistungen durch staatliche Stellen, dissertation, Nomos 2024
Rechtsprechungsänderung des EuGH: Vollharmonisierung der Ausschlussgründe, Besprechung der Entscheidung des EuGH v. 21.12.2023 (C-66/22), NZBau 4/2024, p. 200-203 (with Pascal Friton)
Übertragung öffentlicher Aufträge in der Insolvenz, Voraussetzungen für einen vergabefreien Auftragnehmerwechsel, Anmerkung zu EuGH 4. Kammer, Urteil vom 03.02.2022 – C-461/20, jurisPR-VergR 5/2022 (with Pascal Friton)
Vergabe von Autobahnkonzessionen im Rahmen eines Projektfinanzierungsverfahrens, Anmerkung zu EuGH, Beschluss vom 26.11.2020 – C-835/19, jurisPR-VergR 7/2021 (with Pascal Friton)
Current challenges in the public procurement of cloud services, Global Revolution 2024, University of Nottingham, 18 June 2024
It's a hard knock life: how to overcome obstacles during project execution?, Panel Discussion, AIJA: Saving the planet and ourselves – increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix, Gdansk, 10 May 2024 (with Silje Helene Bakkevig Dagsland, Haavind; Bartosz Kuras, Wolf Theiss; Friedrich Czambor, GE Wind Energy)
“Bei der Fortentwicklung des Vergaberechts erscheint mir unerlässlich, ungelöste Probleme aus anderen Rechtsgebieten so weit wie möglich aus Vergabeverfahren herauszuhalten .”, thesis presentation, 22. forum vergabe Gespräche 2024, Fulda, 19 April 2024