Sarah Beischau advises German and international clients on international trade and public procurement law. She represents them in legal proceedings before the German and European courts as well as before the procurement review bodies.
Languages: German, English, French
Sarah studied law at the Humboldt-University of Berlin and at the University Panthéon-Assas in Paris (Licence and Master 1 with a focus on international public law). Afterwards, she worked as a research assistant at a major international law firm in Berlin and at BLOMSTEIN in the field of public procurement and international trade law.
Sarah completed her legal traineeship at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin, with stages inter alia at the Federal Foreign Office, at a major international law firm in the field of international trade law and at the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin and Brandenburg.
Germany chapter, in: Lexology Panoramic: Business & Human Rights, 2024 (with Florian Wolf, Bruno Galvão and Tobias Ackermann)
Der Vorschlag zur Reformierung der EU FDI-Screening-Verordnung, EuZW 11/2024, p. 499 (with Leonard von Rummel)
Keine „zweite Chance“ nach rechtskräftig abgewiesener Klage gegen Teilnahmebedingungen, Anmerkung zu EuGH 10. Kammer, Urteil vom 09.02.2023 – C-53/22, jurisPR-VergR 12/2023 (with Pascal Friton)
Vorläufiger Rechtsschutz gegen EU-Russland Sanktionen am Beispiel von Entscheidungen des EuG (T-193/22 R, OT/Rat und T-237/22 R, Alisher Usmanov/Rat), Ukraine-Krieg und Recht 2022, p. 623-625 (with Bärbel Sachs)
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), BDSV, Ausschuss Mittelstand, Berlin, 11 November 2024
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), Bitkom, Arbeitskreis Zoll und Exportkontrolle, Berlin, 7 November 2024
Webinar on the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), PASANI Academy, 11 September 2024 (with Patrick Nieveler)
International investment arbitration and mediation as effective ways to protect the rights of foreign investors, Panel discussion, III Legal Forum – EU – Eastern Partnership 2024, Warsaw, 23 May 2024 (with Ema Potocnik, VIAC Community Ambassador Network; Magdalena Soboń-Stasiak, ArcelorMittal Poland; Michael Lightfoot, Gateley Legal)
The EU Economic Security Package: Where are we headed?, Webinar, CELIS Institute, 8 February 2024 (with Christian Glenz, BMWK; Sophie Bohnert, WU Vienna; Steffen Hindelang, CELIS)