Ramona Ader specialises in German and European public procurement law as well as EU State aid and subsidy law.
Ramona supports both bidders and contracting authorities in procurement procedures and represents their interests in front of German public procurement chambers and higher regional courts. She advises also on all aspects of EU State aid and subsidy law and assists the public sector as well as national and international companies in State aid proceedings before the European Commission and European courts.
Ramona is admitted to the Bar in Germany (Rechtsanwältin).
Languages: German, English, French
Public procurement law advice to FASTNED with regard to the establishment and operation of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Germany
General public procurement and contractual law advice to juris including advice in various public procurement procedures
Advising a raw material supplier on EU State aid and subsidy law aspects of decarbonisation transition funding
Ramona studied law at the Humboldt University of Berlin. She completed her legal traineeship (“Referendariat”) at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin with placements at the Federal Cartel Office in Bonn and international law firms in Berlin and London.
Before joining BLOMSTEIN, Ramona worked as an associate at the international law firm Linklaters for three years, where she was particularly advising on EU State aid and subsidy law as well as public procurement and telecommunication law.
Commentary on articles 27–33 FSI-VO (chapter on public procurement procedures), in: Krenzler/Herrmann/Niestedt (eds.), EU-Außenwirtschafts- und Zollrecht, 23. EL 2024 (with Pascal Friton)
EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation Update: Risks And Responsibilities For Foreign Firms In EU Public Procurement Markets, Feature Comment for The Government Contractor, 6 December 2023 (with Pascal Friton and Christopher Yukins)
Die Drittstaatensubventionsverordnung – Zwischen Wettbewerbsgleichheit für EU-Unternehmen und Bürokratie, JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2023/2024
Keine Ausnahme vom Vergaberecht für Kooperationen, NZBau 10/2023, p. 653 (with Florian Wolf)
Anmerkung zu OLG Düsseldorf, Beschl. v. 08.06.2022 - VII Verg 19/22, VergabeR 1/2023, p. 92 (with Florian Wolf)
Ausschluss von Vergabeverfahren trotz Konzernprivileg?, Besprechung der Entscheidung des EuGH v. 15.9.2022 (C-416/21), NZBau 1/2023, p. 11-14 (with Pascal Friton)
ESG und internationaler Handel – Wie Umweltschutz und Menschenrechte in den Mittelpunkt der Handelsbeziehungen mit Europa gerückt werden, azur 2/2022, October 2022 (with Bruno Galvão)
Beihilferechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Ausgründungen, Forum Gesundheitsforschung des BMBF – Arbeitsgruppe Transfer, Web Conference, 15 February 2024
Große Klappe – nichts dahinter: Praxis und neuere Entwicklungen bei den Ausschlussgründen, Workshop, 10. Deutscher Vergabetag, Berlin, 16 November 2023 (with Christopher Wolters and Kai Schlesener, Deutsche Bahn)
Vergaberechtliche Besonderheiten bei der Vergabe von Cloud-Dienstleistungen (Poster Session), DWT Cyber Defence Conference 2023, Bonn, 23 October 2023
H2Global / German structure of auctions for purchasing GH2, Conference “Investing in Green Hydrogen 2023”, London, 15 September 2023 (with Bruno Galvão)
Zeitenwende in der Praxis: Vergaberechtliche Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der Beschaffung, BDSV Fördermitgliedertag, Berlin, 4 May 2023
A New Barrier to Transatlantic Procurement: The European Union’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation, webinar of George Washington University/Government Procurement Law Program, 18 April 2023 (with Pascal Friton and Max Klasse)
Die Förderung von Wasserstoffnetzen aus der Sicht des EU-Beihilferechts, Annual Conference of Forum Contracting e.V., Berlin, 31 March 2023
Unternehmen in Schwierigkeiten, 13. Deutscher Energiesteuertag, Berlin, 16 December 2022
Thesis presentation regarding the requirement of a reform of public procurement law in the field of legal protection for bidders, 21. forum vergabe Gespräche 2022, Fulda, 16 September 2022