Anna Blume Huttenlauch is specialised in German and European antitrust and competition law. She represents clients in proceedings in front of the European Commission, the German Federal Cartel Office and in relation to parallel investigations of international competition authorities worldwide. She advises on all areas of antitrust and competition law, including merger control, cartel investigations, internal investigations, unilateral conduct and abuse of dominance proceedings as well as follow on damages claims. She advises international clients in many different industries and has particularly good sector knowledge in the areas of media and telecommunication, consumer goods and retail as well as general industries and power technologies.
Anna Blume was already one of the “notable women competition professionals in their 30s” (W@Competition, 30 in their 30s) in 2017. She is regularly ranked as “one of the world’s leading competition experts” in Who’s Who Legal: Competition and is among Who’s Who Legal Thought Leaders “Germany” and “Competition”.
Anna Blume is admitted to the Bar in Germany (Rechtsanwältin) and to the New York Bar (Attorney at Law). She is a member of the German Association of Antitrust Lawyers (Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht), where she co-chaired the Berlin Regional Division from 2016-2021, of the German American Lawyers Association, the American Bar Association (Antitrust Section) and of the Institute of Art and Law. She has lectured several times in the context of a master program at the University of Zurich and at German universities. Anna Blume publishes regularly on German and European competition law topics and on art law. She is author of the commentary to Art. 102 TFEU in Kersting/Meyer-Lindemann/Podszun (new edition to be published).
Languages: German, English, French, Italian
Antitrust law advice to and representation of EDEKA in several ongoing follow-on damages proceedings
Representing Vodafone before the courts in relation to a successful third-party intervention against a Bundeskartellamt decision clearing a joint venture between Deutsche Telekom and EWE subject to remedies
Competition law advice to FASTNED with regard to the establishment and operation of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Germany
Antitrust advice to and representation of Vodafone regarding the proceedings of the Federal Cartel Office in terms of the planned cooperation between Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone to close so-called “Grey Spots”
Advising the Monitoring Trustee in various European Commission remedy cases (inter alia, case AT.39816 – Gazprom and case M.8870 – E.ON/innogy )
Advising KfW on antitrust law in a public procurement law context
Advising a cartel member vis-à-vis the European Court of Justice in relation to a claim for access to file
Advising an international brewery in the context of the beer cartel investigation of the German Federal Cartel Office
Advising a leading power technologies supplier in the context of several cartel investigations by the European Commission and international competition authorities incl. leniency proceedings
Advising an international branded goods manufacturer in relation to the vertical investigation of the German Federal Cartel Office because of resale price maintenance
Advising several dominant companies in relation to the re-structuring of its price and rebate schemes
Merger control advice to MAN Energy Solutions on the acquisition of H-TEC SYSTEMS (notification in several jurisdictions worldwide)
Merger control advice to US company Adtran on the acquisition of Adva Optical (fiber networking solutions)
Advising leading Chinese locomotive manufacturer CRRC on the merger control aspects of its acquisition of Vossloh Locomotives (complex phase II proceedings before the Bundeskartellamt)
Advising TÜV Süd on the sale of Signon Deutschland to Deutsche Bahn
Merger control advice to OpenGate, i.a. on the acquisition of a business unit from Danaher Corporation
Advising a leading publishing and media house in several merger control proceedings vis-à-vis the German Federal Cartel Office
Merger control advice to an international telecommunication provider (UK Competition and Markets Authority)
Advising a fragrances and cosmetics manufacturer in merger control proceedings vis-à-vis the European Commission
Advising a waste management company in relation to the acquisition of a refuse incineration plant
Anna Blume studied law and art history at the universities of Passau, Berlin (Humboldt University) and New York (New York University), where she obtained a master in antitrust and trade regulation law (LL.M.). During her master studies in New York she interned at the Federal Trade Commission, Antitrust Division. She holds a doctor of laws degree from Humboldt University Berlin (Dr. iur.) and is admitted to the German and the New York Bar. Before founding BLOMSTEIN Anna Blume worked at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP from 2008 to 2016 with a secondment to London for eight months (2014/2015).
She served her legal traineeship (Referendariat) at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin (Kammergericht) with further stations at the New York office of Sidley Austin, the German Federal Film Board (Berlin), Hogan Hartson Raue and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. Before starting to work as an attorney, Anna Blume worked at the German Consulate General in Chicago and the Federal Trade Commission, Antitrust Division in New York as well as at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Biennale di Venezia.
Publications (Antitrust & Competition)
Commentary on Art. 102 AEUV, in: Loewenheim/Meessen/ Riesenkampff/Kersting/Meyer-Lindemann (eds.), Kartellrecht, as of 3rd edition 2016
Chapter on Information Exchange in Germany, in: Marosi/Soares (eds.), Information Exchange and Related Risks, 1st edition 2022 (with Max Klasse and Marie-Luise Heuer)
Chapter on Antitrust Law, in: Remmertz/Kast (eds.), Escrow-Handbuch, 1st edition 2022 (with Philipp Trube)
Chapter “Germany”, in: GCR Cases & Precedents: Vertical Restraints 2022, 2021, 2020 (with Max Klasse)
Künstliche Intelligenz im Wettlauf mit wettbewerblicher Regulierung – Ist das Kartellrecht neuen Herausforderungen gewachsen?, azur 01/2023 (with Jasmin Mayerl)
Sustentabilidade no radar da Comissão Europeia sob a ótica da concorrência (Sustainability on the European Commission's radar from a competition perspective), JOTA, 9 January 2023 (with Marie-Luise Heuer)
Streit im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel: Coca Cola muss EDEKA doch nicht weiter beliefern, Anmerkung zu LG Hamburg Urteil vom 29.09.2022 – 415 HKO 72/22, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 12/2022, p. 692
Interview with Anna Huttenlauch, lawyers magazine, Insights, August 2022
Jüngere Entwicklungen im Kartellschadensersatzrecht (Teil 1 und 2), Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 04/2022 and 05/2022 (with Josefa Dengler and Paul Voges)
A concorrência e as metas de sustentabilidade (Competition and sustainability goals), JOTA, 28 March 2022 (with Marie-Luise Heuer)
Punkten mit Nachhaltigkeit - Menschenrechte und Umweltschutz in internationalen Lieferketten, azur 01/2021 (with Florian Wolf)
Eyes Wide Open - The New German Competition Act, in: Competition Law Insight, January 2021
Interview/Q&A, WWL Thought Leaders Competition 2020, December 2019
Hipster Antitrust? Facebook, Amazon und Google werfen neue Fragen für Kartellrechtler auf, azur100 Top-Arbeitgeber 2019, February 2019
Google Android: A first read of the Commission’s second hit against Google, D'Kart Antitrust Blog, July 2018
Abuse of Dominance in EU Competition Law - Emerging Trends, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, 2018
Auf der Suche nach dem besten Preis (über kartellrechtliche Risiken im Zusammenhang mit Algorithmen), in F.A.Z. Einspruch, March 2018
Automated Cartels and Hipster Competition? Eine Wettbewerbsordnung für die Digitale Welt, F.A.Z. Einspruch, February 2018
TV interview on trade cartels and the law, DW: Made in Germany – Das Wirtschaftsmagazin, August 2017
Enforcement in Digital Markets, Competition Policy International, January 2017
Important Guidance on the Application of Public Procurement Law: the OECD’s Recommendation on Fighting Bid Rigging in Public Procurement, Complawblog, December 2016, with Roland Stein)
Die OECD-Empfehlungen zur Bekämpfung von Angebotsabsprachen im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen, NZBau - Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht 12/2016, p. 728 (with Roland Stein)
How Many “Likes” for the German Facebook Antitrust Probe?, Competition Policy International, August 2016
The Internet of Things in the Light of Digitalization and Increased Media Convergence, Communications and Competition Law Key Issues in the Telecoms, Media and Technology Sectors, 2015 (with Thoralf Knuth)
Kartellopfer können auf Schadenersatz klagen – Europäische Richtlinie schafft neue rechtliche Möglichkeiten – Mehr Zeit für Geltendmachung der Ansprüche, Börsen-Zeitung, 26 July 2014
Case C-365/12 EC v EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Judgment of 27 February 2014, The European Law Reporter 2014/62
Der Schutz von Kronzeugen- und Settlementerklärungen vor der Einsichtnahme durch Dritte nach dem Richtlinien-Vorschlag der Kommission, Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 2013, p. 350 (with Lilly Fiedler)
Kartellrechtsverstöße als Ausschlussgründe im Vergabeverfahren, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Europäisches Wettbewerbsrecht, 2012, p. 38 (with Pascal Friton and Roland Stein)
Publications (Art Law)
Kunst im Käfig, Süddeutsche Zeitung, July 2016
Der Rothko vom Weihnachtsmann, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 29 January 2016
Wem gehört die Kunst, Bankspiegel der GLS Bank 2/2013
Transformation durch Aneignung als Herausforderung des Urheberrechts. Neue Tendenzen in der amerikanischen Rechtsprechung zur Appropriation Art, Bild und Wissenschaft, Forschungsbeiträge zu Leben und Werk Alexej von Jawlenskys, Vol. 3, 2009
Ausstellung “Raub und Restitution. Kulturgut aus jüdischem Besitz von 1933 bis heute” im Jüdischen Museum Berlin, 19. September 2008 bis 25. Januar 2009, KUR - Kunst und Recht 2008, p. 168
Appropriation Art – Kunst an den Grenzen des Urheberrechts, Dissertation 2008
Gerichte in den USA gegen Restitution – Tahitische Strassenszene, artnet, 16 July 2007
Die Kunst überfordert die Juristen, artnet, 17 November 2006
Nimm mich, artnet, 23 October 2006
Recht verschwommen, artnet, 15 August 2006
Berlin Street Fight,, 11 July 2006
Street Scenes and Other Scenes from Berlin: Legal Issues in the Restitution of Art after the Third Reich, German Law Journal, 2006, p. 819
Die Haftung des Kunstexperten für seine Expertise, KUR – Kunst und Recht 4/2004, p. 118
Kartellrecht und AI, diruj Leadership Circle Roundtable Kartellrecht 2024, Munich, 18 October 2024 (with Jasmin Mayerl)
Is regular black the new black? Welche wirklich neuen Spielräume bieten die neuen VBER/Vertikalleitlinien in der Praxis?, diruj Leadership Circle Roundtable Kartellrecht 2023, Munich, 11 October 2023
Supply chain obligations in the EU – what’s the effect on trade with Europe?, Lexology Masterclass, 27 June 2023 (with Florian Wolf, Bruno Galvão and Michaela Hebestreit, Helpdesk Business & Human Rights)
Speaker on “Dawn Raids” (with Lilie Barski, E.ON SE) and “Compliance Defense in setting of fines”, diruj Certified Antitrust In-house Lawyer 2023, Frankfurt a.M., 13-14 June 2023
Vertical - Atonal - Polytonal: Does the new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) provide more freedom in sales & distribution?, #MIBKON 2022, Berlin, 29 October 2022
Kartellrecht und Nachhaltigkeit – alles im grünen Bereich?, DICO Forum, Berlin, 28 September 2022 (with Marie-Luise Heuer)
Sustainability und Kartellrecht – Überblick über die kartellrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, die Reforminitiativen der Kommission und die jüngste Entscheidungspraxis des Bundeskartellamts, German Association of Antitrust Lawyers (Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht), event of the Regional Division Berlin, 29 March 2022 (with Marie-Luise Heuer)
Praktische Auswirkungen des deutschen Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) für Unternehmen, Arbeitskreisübergreifendes Webmeeting des Bitkom: Gesetzliche Anforderungen zu Sorgfaltspflichten in Lieferketten, 1 July 2021 (with Florian Wolf)
Foreign direct investment screening and merger control, Challenges for Chinese foreign investments, Webinar, 20 August 2020 (with Roland Stein and Fangda Partners)
GWB-Novelle/ Marktübergreifende Bedeutung von Plattformen, Oxera Roundtable, Berlin, 11 December 2019
Banken im Visier der Kartellbehörden? Auf dem Weg zu Kartellrechtscompliance, VÖB-Fachtagung “Compliance und Kapitalmarkt”, Frankfurt a.M., 28 November 2019
Die Kakophonie des Wettbewerbsrechts - Dos and Don'ts, #MIBKON 2019, Cologne, 14 October 2019
Informationsaustausch unter Wettbewerbern? Kartellrechtliche Zulässigkeit und Grenzen, Veranstaltung “Schutzbedürfnisse Ihres Unternehmens” Studiengesellschaft der DWT, Bonn, 10 October 2019
The Global Art Trade – General Conditions in the International Market illustrated by the example of Germany and the US, panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Harald Falckenberg, Prof. Dr. Haimo Schack, LL.M. (Berkeley), Dr. Olaf Christiansen, LL.M. (Dickinson), German American Lawyers Association Conference, Hamburg, 6 July 2018
Hipster Antitrust – Digitalisierung des Kartellrechts, panel discussion with Max Klasse, Nikolas Guggenberger and Sebastian Louven, Telemedicus Sommerkonferenz 2018, Berlin, 1 July 2018
Self-Cleaning As A Way Towards Reliability / Case Study (C-124/17), Conference on Competition Law and Public Procurement organised by the Polish Public Procurement Law Association, Warschau, 12 June 2018
The New Competition Register – What to expect?, Competition Law for SMEs, German Institut for Compliance, ICC and VDMA, Frankfurt a.M., 19 April 2018
Art at the boundaries of copyright law – or: Copyritht law as a restriction of art?, Emerging Artists Project, Centre of Art and Creativity Dortmund, 27 October 2017
Competition and Public Procurement Law as a Tool in the Fight Against Corruption, Presentation to a delegation from Latin America, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Berlin, 25 October 2017 (with Roland Stein and Hans-Joachim Prieß)
Art at the boundaries of copyright law – or: Copyright law as a restriction of art?, Burg Giebichenstein University of Arts and Design 23 February 2017
EU vs. GOOGLE: Analysis of the EU Antitrust Enforcement Action and Potential Impact on Global Internet Companies, SFG Expert Luncheon, New York City, 25 January 2017 (with Max Klasse)
Vergabe- und kartellrechtliche Compliance: Praktische Fallstricke, Veranstaltung des forum vergabe e.V., “Kartellrecht, Vergaberecht und Compliance”, Berlin 12 October 2016 (with Roland Stein)
Telecom and Media Mergers, panel at 5th AIJA Annual Competition Conference 2016 – Competition Law Developments in Technology, Media and Telecommunications (Valencia, 3-5 March 2016), panel discussion with Sean-Paul Brankin (Crowell & Moring, Belgien), Andrew Ward (Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira, Spanien), Pablo Figueroa (Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Belgien) and German Zakharov (Alrud, Russland)
Der qualifizierte Kartellrechtsexperte, Euroforum, Berlin, 2 August 2013
Transatlantische Kunstrechtsstreitigkeiten – aktuelle Fragen und neue Trends, presentation and panel discussion with Thomas R. Kline (Andrews Kurth, Washington), Birgit Kurtz (Alston & Bird, New York) and Sean Rainbird (Director Staatsgalerie Stuttgart), moderated by Dr. Stephan Wilske (Gleiss Lutz, Stuttgart) and Dr. Ralph Sammeck (RTL Television, Cologne), German American Lawyers Conference, Frankfurt a.M., 28 April 2007
a fantastic, pragmatic and highly compelling lawyer who has helped to make her firm a remarkable success story
a top choice in the German market